khushboo / ਖੁਸ਼ਬੂ / deodorant

Over the weekend I went into a market and found a Lavender + Eucalyptus + Rosemary deodorant that is paraben, sulfate, fragrance, etc etc free! I decided to buy and and try it out. I took a look at how the deodorant I used to use (Dove Anti Perspirant Restore Blue Fig & Orange Blossom) and realized it scored the highest on the ThinkDirty app – meaning that it is extremely dirty and has many allergens/chemicals. I don’t know if deodorant can affect my eczema but I decided it was worth a try.

After I bought the deodorant, I took a look at the company’s website and saw that there can be side effects to switching from aluminum antiperspirants to a natural deodorant such as itchiness and redness. I have not experienced these symptoms yet but then again I have only used the deodorant twice! I hope that I do not go through these “detox” phase but I think it would be worth to go through because my armpits will be free of toxins that probably built up over the years. My armpits will finally be able to breath! I’ll keep you updated on the status of my eczema at the end of the week but as of right now my eczema has gotten slightly worse (especially because I have been itching my hands) due to cleaning out my dusty garage and not using gloves!

3 thoughts on “khushboo / ਖੁਸ਼ਬੂ / deodorant

  1. Thanks so much for the update Benita! This deodorant sounds so awesome and I can’t believe we can see the difference already!! Very excited to track the progress of it for your right armpit.

    This is the second time you mentioned the ThinkDirty app. I have a vague idea of what it is, but can you go into more detail about it please?

    You are totally right about the dust without gloves thing Benita. Let’s be cognizant about these kinds of things going forward!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The ThinkDirty app allows you to look at the ingredients inside skincare products and rates the “dirtiness” of the product on a 0-10 scale. The higher the rating, the higher the chance the ingredient/product will have long term negative effects on the body. I try to use products that have a rating of 0-3. If the company has the majority of their products in this range, I’ll try a lot of them! It appears to me that the products that have a lower “dirty” rating are mostly vegan, organic, and pure!

      Definitely agree about the gloves. I just need to pull them out of my drawer!

      Liked by 1 person

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